


Meditation :

Meditation helps children to focus, connect both their minds and bodies, and provides tools to explore their inner world. Our team of teachers pays a special attention to this aspect. It helps create serene and peaceful atmosphere in the school campus. Our children develop human virtues as compassion, empathy, caring and sharing. The meditation enhances their concentration in their studies.

Gym :

The institution offers a private gym for both boys and girls. The gym is open to the students on weekends for a period of one hour. Timings are allotted separately for the boys and girls. The exercises carried out in the gym help the students remain fit and energetic.

Medical Health In School :

Students in the campus undergo a general fitness programme which includes morning P.T., outdoor and indoor games. A medicare is ensured with specialized doctors.

Minor difficulties can be handled by our qualified team of medical assistants.

The institution has a resident nurse who devotes her time to the care of the students health. A doctor pays visits to the school twice a week, to attend to ailing students. In case of emergencies, the children are admitted to the local hospital outside the school, the necessary nursing care is provided by the school and parents are informed immediately to come to accept responsibility for the health of the child. The expenses involved are to be paid by the parent.

We also have an Infirmary which provides for the immediate medical needs of the students.


The five acre playground hosts a number of sports including the biggest sports festivals "THE ANNUAL SPORTS MEET", "CRICKET TOURNAMENT", "INTER SCHOOL MATCHES". Various activities of sports are held so as to inculcate the importance of physical fitness among the students.

The students are divided into three houses for the purpose of sports activities. The skill of each student is identified and nurtured, and they are give the opportunities to excel and join the college sports team. Apart from organizing inter-house competitions, the school/college participates in District, Zonal and State levels. Annual sports day is conducted to identify best students in athletics, and they are awarded with suitable prizes. The Campus has provision for games like Football, Volleyball, Hockey, Table Tennis, Badminton, Throw Ball, and excellent facilities for athletics and track events. Many of our students have participated at district, zonal teams and Maharashtra state